You may be unaware that you are an accomplice. Find out who these criminals are! Hundreds of innocent victims.Felonies that affect future generations. Perpetrators hiding in plain sight. Meet the #SingleUseCriminals, a gang of seemingly innocent but totally deadly villains, out to destroy the world one crime at a time. Are YOU an oblivious accessory to their crimes? Watch this video to find out.
International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) Philippines is a volunteer group that promotes the protection of the country's coasts and waterways. It aims to inspire changes in behaviour that will result in trash-free seas.
Team VCS partnered with ICC for the #SingleUseCriminals campaign. We wanted to create awareness on how single-use plastic items wreak havoc in the environment. Each item’s life span is also highlighted, to encourage responsible lifestyle changes among the audience. With this campaign, we hope to inspire a #seaofchange that will result in clean seas, flood-free cities, and a healthy environment that will benefit not just this generation, but those to come. #SingleUseCriminals was first presented at the ICC Summit, held on September 27-28, 2018 in Subic, Zambales. Created and Produced by Vitalstrats Creative Solutions in partnership with Lighthouse Legacy Foundation Executive Producers: Amrei Dizon and Teejai Joson Creative Director: Em Rint Diaz Art Director: Jan Agulto Scriptwriter: Marie Peralta Illustrators: Daniel Patrick Zamora and Anna Marie Rodriguez Animators: Rachelle Anne Cayas and Charl Jan Fernandez Sound Design: Kenneth Amparo